Our core belief: Letting go of the clutter that mentally and physically blocks your path creates the space and opportunity for your true goals and passions to shine.
Jodi Granok, CPO®, MSW
Certified Professional Organizer®, Productivity Consultant, and Speaker
Organizing Magic, LLC® is a St. Louis, MO company organizing homes, offices, and lives for overwhelmed and neurodivergent people, especially those challenged by ADHD. Est. 2008.
jodi@organizingmagic.com (314) 504-8857
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Applause (Client Testimonials)
"My daughter’s closet and dresser drawers were overflowing with clothes. Laundry piled up because I dreaded trying to put away clothes when there was no room. Jodi helped me set boundaries that made it easy for me to sort and to part with items. We created a bin for each outgrown size. I can keep a few favorite items and pass them on to my next child. When the bin filled up, we donated the rest of the clothes. We filled five bags with clothes for donation and the results are miraculous! Putting away laundry is easy now because everything has a home to go to." ~ Mia, Ladue
"Jodi just left. Wow. A LOT of organizing got done in a few short hours (three). I am so happy I had her come over. She helped me go through mounds of paperwork that were overwhelming. With her help, I got through it all. I will definitely work with her again. It is really a big weight off to know that stuff that seems insurmountable can get done with her help. She is really laid back and is there to help you with what you need. Highly recommend!!" ~ Liz, St. Louis
"I always thought that books were something that you collect until you have a huge library. Then I realized that my children were overwhelmed by too many choices and we could never find the ones that we consider 'special gems'. After working with Jodi to reduce the volume of books, select the favorites and organize them into categories, reading to my children at bedtime has become a renewed joy. They are now able to bond with their books and create deeper and more meaningful reading experiences." ~ Molly, Creve Coeur
"Before hiring Organizing Magic, I had not properly filed records for 3 years and even before that, my receipts and important papers were everywhere, but not together! Working with Jodi has helped me to focus, to set up files that are efficient and user friendly for me. Now, the past 6 years of files are in order and the current year is set up for me to manage! Jodi is patient, kind, keeps me on task and offers suggestions in a very encouraging way... she learned my personality, observed my needs first-hand and tailor made a system just for me. Now that we have worked together, I am learning to set aside time blocks to organize... it's a paradigm shift in action for me! Instead of being so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start, I know exactly where everything belongs! Woohoo!! My husband (very organized) has been really patient but I know my 'stuff' has been out of control... he is amazed at what Jodi and I have accomplished together. When I found a document he was looking for in 10 seconds or less, you could see him beaming from ear to ear! Thank you, Jodi!!" ~ Kathy, Chesterfield
"Jodi helped me organize my office, including moving furniture, reorganizing my filing system, purging a lot of unneeded items, generally clearing my work space, and getting everything organized so it all works better and feels better. She also gave me some good ideas for dealing with my huge flow of email. Jodi is very good at this, and I would recommend her service." ~ Brett, St. Louis
"Jodi has been helping me to organize my office and keep my desk clean for several years. We have a monthly appointment to clear my desk, update my client files and to keep me sane! I would be buried under a mountain of paperwork if it weren't for her! Thank you, Jodi!!!" ~ Dana, Earth City
"We recently moved into a new house and had an issue with putting systems in place that allowed us to live our best life. Whenever we walked into the kitchen, we were overwhelmed with the amount of stuff on our counters. We had duplicates of things; we couldn't see anything; it was a mess! Working with Jodi helped me find better placement for the items that we use every day vs. the things we use a few times a year. The space planning allowed us to take our tiny kitchen with little cabinet space and make it feel so much larger while finding a home for everything! Now I can look in my kitchen and see clean countertops, and feel a sense of peace. When I open my cabinets, I see all of our food goods stored in easy-to-reach and organized ways. It's been life-changing!" ~ Nancy, Olivette
"Working with Jodi has helped me to think about organizing my home from a 'Top Down' perspective, especially with paperwork piling up! 'Hot - Warm - Cold' sorting of mail and documents and shredding junk mail as soon as it comes in has literally changed my life!! I've gone from dreading opening the mailbox to actually looking forward to a kind of soul cleansing 'Recycling Session' almost every evening - her idea! I highly recommend Jodi's service. If she can help a total procrastinator like me, she can help anyone!" ~ Mike, St. Louis
"I used to think that if I just had a container for each project, I would be organized. I had so many bins and bags full of items for projects that I couldn't find anything. I thought I was being organized, when in fact my numerous organizing containers made things more cluttered. Jodi taught me how to consolidate and not overcomplicate my systems. In the process of our working together, I was able to get rid of projects that don't fit my life anymore, freeing up space for newer and better ones." ~ Alex, Webster Groves
"I couldn’t believe it! I’d always been a good organizer but my basement and my closets were suddenly overwhelming and no matter how many good intentions I had I wasn’t getting the job done. I called Jodi and we decided to start with the biggest job which was the basement playroom. I think I literally handled thousands of tiny figures and LEGO® by the time we were done. Jodi helped me stay on task but relaxed as we laughed, told each other stories and listened to music. I realized that what was holding me back wasn’t simply the enormity of the job but how emotional it would be to touch all my children’s toys from their younger years and realize they wouldn’t be playing with them again. Whenever Jodi saw me struggling (and often tearing up) she gave me permission to take a pause and consider that if that small plastic shark meant that much to me that I could absolutely keep it. It took several hours but when the job was done I had 8 bags to donate and had reclaimed an entire room in the house for my family to utilize again. We continued to other rooms in the house and by the time we were done I felt lighter and happier. I could find all my things and I knew that the surfaces were all clean. It felt amazing and that I had truly accomplished something important for myself and my family. None of that would’ve been possible without Jodi’s help, professionalism and support. I know I have the tools now to control the chaos and organize a busy full home. I can’t thank Jodi enough for the journey we took together. She is fabulous." ~ Maia, Richmond Heights
"Before hiring Organizing Magic, I was unsure of how to get started! Paperwork was my biggest obstacle. Jodi shared some tips and tools that have been very helpful. Working with Jodi has helped me to develop a plan of action and get the ball rolling! Now that we have worked together, I have been motivated and continue to work on purging and organizing my home." ~ Carmen, Crystal Lake Park
"We had paper files in 3 or 4 different places in the house. We thought we were somewhat organized, but soon realized that we were not. Now we know where to go to look for any paperwork we need because everything is in a logical place. Jodi really simplified our paperwork and life is much easier now!" ~ Linda, Richmond Heights
"In preparation for an office renovation and expansion, I hired Jodi for a series of presentations and organizing sessions with various departments in our company. Jodi and I discussed the challenges my employees were having in terms of space planning, paper management and time management. On three separate occasions, I brought Jodi in to speak to a specific department, with a presentation that addressed their unique issues. A few days after each presentation, Jodi came in for 3 hours to meet with individuals or teams to answer organizing questions and offer suggestions on improving efficiency and productivity. We found that employees learned how to be more efficient at home and at the office." ~ Lauren Weissman Kerner, Owner - Weissman Dance Solutions
"Jodi did such an amazing job helping my teenage daughter organize her room, closet, and bathroom. I would absolutely use her again and I highly recommend her. She taught my daughter organizing techniques and helped her get excited about having a clean room. Thanks Jodi!!!" ~ Sharon, Chesterfield
"Thanks, Jodi! I feel more like working in the office now - I see things I like and want to do, instead of the things I hated that made me feel stressed. I'm so grateful for your help!!" ~ Patty, University City
"Just wanted to send a note and tell you that you inspired me. My home was already well organized. But last weekend I did my final sweep. My basement and every closet and drawer has been organized. The only thing left is probably to get rid of some clothing. I have a pretty large unfinished basement, but just a small area dedicated to storage. Everything is in plastic bins so I can see inside. Last weekend I finally went through paper and got three large boxes ready to go the shredder. I reorganized the bins and now I even have a pile of empty bins. But finally I feel really organized, so much so that there is nothing left to do (except of course get rid of some more clothes). But each season I will take more to the Goodwill. And every time I try something on if it doesn't fit or I don't think I will wear it again I put it in the Goodwill bag, not back in the closet. So thank you for your posts, and the inspiration." ~ Valerie, St. Louis
"Jodi, helping my daughter with her room - and teaching her strategies she can use for anything - is such a blessing. She'd built a sort of nest to run to when things got hard, but the clutter became very stressful for her. Yay for organization! Yay for FLOOR!" "I woke up and I was really happy! I was like, oh yeah!!! My room's not a mess anymore!!" ~ Laura (and her teenage daughter) , University City
"Jodi is absolutely amazing! I have tried to organize this office since we moved into our house 14 years ago, without success. It was such an overwhelming job, that I stopped before I finished. Jodi is responsible for keeping me on track and helping me decide what systems will work best for my family. Now, instead of being anxious when I walk into the office, I have a sense of calm. I know that I can keep on track with the systems we set up." ~ Natalie, Chesterfield
"My shoe collection was out of control and I didn’t even understand how bad it was. I had shoes all over the house, so when Jodi asked me to gather them together, the shoes covered the floor several layers deep! Jodi helped me set up an area for each type of footwear, and each area has a capacity limit. At the end of the process, I got rid of 1/3 of my shoe collection. I no longer have a shoe heap at the bottom of my closet that fills me with dread whenever I walk in. Every pair of shoes has a home; and to me, that is a real breakthrough." ~ Ann, Clayton
"My son started Middle School and was having such a hard time organizing his binder and locker. Before Jodi worked with my son, he had broken 2 binders. He tried to keep all his school supplies in them and they fell apart! Jodi helped him organize his school supplies. She created specific labeled folders for the homework and handouts for each of his subjects. She also worked with him on what to keep in his binder and what to leave in his locker. I am so grateful to Jodi for helping him become more organized. He is off to a great start at Middle School! Thanks Jodi!" ~ Libby, Creve Coeur
"I just wanted to say thank you for all the help you've given me. It's been a while since our last session, but all your little mantras, and just your general approach to organizing, it's always hanging in the back of my mind. You really have made a lasting difference in my life, even in the small amount of time we actually spent together." ~ Beth, St. Louis
"Before hiring Organizing Magic, I had absolutely no organization skills whatsoever. My brain was unable to sort through chaos so I would just shut the door and let it compile. Working with Jodi helped me because I had someone there to keep me focused on the task at hand. She helped me feel okay with getting rid of things. After working together I have much better organization skills. She taught me how to see through the clutter. I feel much more confident to tackle big projects on my own now! Keeping my house organized saves me money. I can keep track of what I have and not buy multiples." ~ Katie, O'Fallon
"Thanks so much for staying in touch and checking in. It makes me think about organizing a lot more often than I used to which I think helps get me motivated a tiny bit more frequently. You're the best!" ~ Beth, St. Louis
"Jodi is great at offering quick strategies for when she's not there to keep you on track, like the 10-minute timer." ~ Mary, Des Peres
"Hello! This is AJ and everything has gone well, I have not lost anything, I am doing all of the things I should be doing. Honestly this is the most organized I've been in my high school career. And the techniques you taught me are really useful. Thanks a lot for your help!" ~ Text from a local high school student
"Before hiring Jodi, paperwork had overtaken the floor and surface areas of my home office. After spending one session working on it together, I was able to use the tools and tips Jodi suggested and get all of my paperwork organized and put away! My anxiety about having a messy office is gone. I really appreciate Jodi's help and encouragement. She inspired me, and I can't stop telling people about her!" ~ Donna, Chesterfield