Our core belief: Letting go of the clutter that mentally and physically blocks your path creates the space and opportunity for your true goals and passions to shine.
Jodi Granok, CPO®, MSW
Certified Professional Organizer®, Productivity Consultant, and Speaker
Organizing Magic, LLC® is a St. Louis, MO company organizing homes, offices, and lives for overwhelmed and neurodivergent people, especially those challenged by ADHD. Est. 2008.
jodi@organizingmagic.com (314) 504-8857
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jodi@organizingmagic.com (314) 504-8857
Join our e-newsletter and receive exclusive organizing tips!
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel, "Get Organized with Jodi".
Client Tracking Spreadsheet for Professional Organizers
Does this describe the current state of your business?
You struggle to get leads or get the right leads for jobs that match your niche interests
Your marketing budget is limited, and you want to choose wisely about how and where to promote your company
Your business is stuck in "feast or famine" mode, and you want an even spread of income throughout the year
You are unable to provide quick statistics when describing your business to potential clients
Your marketing budget is limited, and you want to choose wisely about how and where to promote your company
Your business is stuck in "feast or famine" mode, and you want an even spread of income throughout the year
You are unable to provide quick statistics when describing your business to potential clients
The Client Tracking Spreadsheet is ideal for:
New Organizers who want to avoid making costly "newbie" marketing mistakes
Veteran Organizers who want to identify or streamline new or existing marketing opportunities
Veteran Organizers who want to identify or streamline new or existing marketing opportunities
"I love the client tracking spreadsheet! It includes tracking the months where clients begin services which can help anticipate being slow to craft a marketing plan to make those months busier. I appreciate the inclusion of tracking for business clients as well as residential clients. The customization information in the addendum is well thought out and very valuable. I also think this is a great tool to track hours towards a CPO® status, but it's much more than just a CPO® tracking tool - it's a Strategic Marketing Tool!"
Shannon Tamme, CPO®
Owner - HOME Allies
I have personally used this product since starting my business in 2008, and I credit The Client Tracking Spreadsheet with clarifying what marketing ideas to use. Keeping statistics on your work with clients helps identify the best marketing strategies to attract more clients. Take the time to track your information, and watch it pay off in the form of new and increased business! Jodi Granok, CPO®, MSW - Certified Professional Organizer®
Track Clients to Grow Your Business (Spreadsheet/PDF Manual) $20
©2019 Organizing Magic, LLC®. All Rights Reserved.
This product includes an Excel-based spreadsheet to track client statistics and a PDF manual on how to use the spreadsheet to inform marketing decisions.
Disclaimer: Only the purchaser should use this product. Do not forward to others, as this violates copyright law.
"By using data to track your business statistics, you can make more strategic decisions about how to market your professional organizing business! With the spreadsheet and guide that Jodi has created, professional organizers have a simple yet effective tool and clear directions on how to put it to good use!"
Mandy L. Manley, CPO®Owner - Skeleton Key Organizing, LLC
Mandy L. Manley, CPO®Owner - Skeleton Key Organizing, LLC
Calling all Professional Organizers - If you have purchased our statistics spreadsheet and want to share a testimonial about the benefits of this product, send an e-mail to jodi@organizingmagic.com and you can be featured here!